Sunday, March 23, 2008

working towards our goal

Yo!Whats the problem dudes?listen,you know all our teachers want us to get "A*"?Well,i was thinking maybe we could spice things up a little by having a competition.(if you all want ,help me to tell others.) Heres how its gonna be,this competition is about who is the can predict who is the best in the class,(help me tell teacher)teacher is gonna put up a small board at the back of the class,then all of us will guess our sort of "idols".at the end of the tem,if some people win then we will say to them "praise the peredicter!" 3 times.Okay?(this is only for people in our class,and if teacher don't want ,then cannot.)


At April 14, 2008 at 5:54 PM , Blogger jia yun said...

U crazy izit?


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